Frame construction technology

At the beginning of the 90's, frame construction technology came to Poland (wooden skeleton) based on the experience from America (USA and Canada), Scandinavia as well as Germany and Austria. Despite the great interest in this type of construction among investors, Timber frame houses did not always build as required, which had a direct impact on quality This was an important lesson for many companies and most of these companies today, that specialize in this technology, cares about quality and builds in accordance with the technological regime. The activities of the organization had a huge impact on the improvement of the situation and today timber frame construction is on a completely different level and customer satisfaction with the choice of this technology is guaranteed.

Knowing, that wood is a healthy building block and a wooden house provides a friendly living environment and energy-saving operation, and that the workmanship offered in the market today is high, with full awareness and conviction, we urge you to choose wooden construction. This brochure presents the advantages and disadvantages of this construction industry, the various technologies and basic principles are briefly discussed, and a template of a recommended contract with a contractor is attached. Being aware, what to expect and having your interests well secured in the contract, you can be sure, that your house will meet all expectations and the time of its construction, compared to other traditional technologies, will be much shorter.
Living in such an industrialized environment and thinking about our grandchildren, let's try to make informed choices and always, whenever possible, we should focus on raw materials and natural and renewable materials. Wood is the only renewable building material and thanks to sustainable forest management conducted by the State Forests in Poland, every year we have more stocks of wood, and the forest area of ​​the country is still growing.
We use wood wherever possible and thus, paradoxically, we will contribute to the further increase in afforestation.

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