Decorative painting

Decorative painting.
On the freshly applied paint, we can form a decorative texture in various ways or apply various types of decorative elements.
Quite often, at the junction of the ceiling and wall colors, a decorative strip of another color is painted. We use a special round brush for this, the so-called. the striped beetle. We guide it manually along a special wooden lath, with a properly cut edge. In order not to stain the wall with paint, we move the brush perpendicular to it.
For high-quality painting, smooth the freshly applied coat of paint with the so-called. slut – a special brush with long and soft bristles. We lead it with vertical movements, only lightly pressing the bristles against the wall. It should only smooth the top layer of paint, do not rub it.
Another way to get a high-quality finish is to lightly tapping the forehead of the bristles against the fresh paint, the so-called. stomping out. A specially designed brush is used. The ends of his hair form a very fine pea-like texture on the surface; in fact, they merely cause the coating to become dull.
All decorative patterns can be applied to the wall using a template cut from thick card stock, saturated with varnish or varnish.
We use a short ring brush. Hit its bristles perpendicular to the wall. Move the template to its next places. We set it according to checkpoints, prepared in advance in the corners.
Individual colored elements can be painted by hand with an artistic brush. First, on the wall, lightly outline the appropriate contour with a pencil, and then we fill it with paint of the selected color. It is worth helping yourself with a bar, supporting the hand holding the brush.
Using one of the wall decorative paints, we can finish the wall surface decoratively with various types of devices, getting a variety of textures. Of course, the easiest way to get them is with rollers. It is enough, for example, in a typical one, made of polyurethane sponge, gouge out small pieces; when we drag it over the wall, its surface will take on an interesting texture.
In the Aqua Decor system, after applying the undercoat and its good drying, the surface should be lightly sanded with fine-grained sandpaper., and then apply a topcoat – using e.g.. sponge, cloth, a rolled up foil bag. Of course, these are just examples; There are many ways and simple utensils for this. The end result depends on your creativity.
It's hard to suggest, which may suit better. The painter himself has a lot to show off here. If he wants to check his idea, let him apply the paint in the chosen way on a small piece of the wall. The effect did not live up to expectations? Nothing is easier than washing the paint with a sponge moistened with water and checking the next idea.

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