Bricklaying in winter conditions

YTONG blocks can be built in winter conditions, at temperatures below + 5 ° C, after fulfilling the additional requirements specified in the further part of this chapter. The decision to undertake the works may be made by the construction manager or the supervision inspector, who is able to assess the possibility of their proper implementation and bears full responsibility for the decision to start bricklaying. The blocks used for bricklaying must not be covered with frost or frozen over. Means, that the blocks must not be at a temperature lower than -2 ° C for a period longer than 24 hours and therefore it is recommended to store them in their original packaging, in rooms with positive temperature. For bricklaying in winter conditions, it is recommended to use a special "winter" mortar. It allows for bricklaying in "light" winter conditions, at temperatures periodically dropping to -6 ° C. Before commencing bricklaying, it is necessary to check, whether the wall made the previous day tied properly. Checking this is done through the horizontal, a strong hit with a rubber hammer on a block of the top layer of the wall. If the impact does not disengage the pulley, this bricklaying can be continued.

Masonry works cannot be carried out:
• at temperatures lower than -6°C; the works can only be started, when the temperature of the surrounding masonry by at least 48 hours will be higher than + 2 ° C
• on a frozen wall, which is considered to be a wall after 48 hours at temperature, which is less than -2 ° C,
• during precipitation; a freshly made wall should be protected with a cover, e.g.. tarpaulins or straw mats to prevent it from cooling too quickly. A wall made in winter conditions may be subject to ground pressure or strong winds only after approximately a week of positive temperatures.; until then, the wall should be protected against these horizontal loads.

When making the acceptance, particular attention should be paid to:
– vertical and horizontal joints between individual elements, the welds must not be greater than 3 mm,
– construction walls must be tied with a masonry bond, It is forbidden to leave any fraying or bricking the walls later.

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