Preparation of the paint

Preparation of the paint.

Paint, usually supplied in cans of various capacities, we have to prepare for painting and pour it into a bucket or litter box, and for spray painting – into the gun reservoir. First, we need to thoroughly clean the lid of the can from dust and possible dirt with a soft flat brush. Then use a thick knife blade to pry them open. It is not recommended to use e.g.. screwdriver blades, as it may deform the lid and prevent the can from resealing.

After opening, Using a thin stick, thoroughly mix the contents of the can. We do it in a circular motion, but from time to time we lift the stick up. This way, we also mix well the denser layers of paint lying at the very bottom. Circular traffic alone may not be enough.

When we paint larger surfaces with a brush or roller, It is worth pouring paint from several cans into a larger vessel, e.g. buckets, and mix thoroughly. This will make your work much easier. First of all, it is easy to hang the bucket on a ladder and reach with a brush with a bench or dip the roller. So that the dishes do not get too dirty, let's line its inside with aluminum foil, it is easy to remove after finishing work. If we use old paint for painting, after thorough mixing in the can, it must be additionally strained through a nylon stocking or a dense painting sieve.

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