Door painting

Previously painted steel doors in stock are to be repainted. The old coating is made of lacquer on alkyd resins. The study showed, that approx. 65% the coating comes off. Please list and justify the necessary painting activities.The steps are as follows:

1) usunięcie starej powłoki przy użyciu zmywacza ługowego, then rinse thoroughly with water;
2) dokładne odrdzewienie i oszlifowanie podłoża do uzyskania wymaganego stopnia czystości;
3) zagruntowanie bezołowiową alkidową farbą antykorozyjną;
4) pomalowanie podkładowe lakierem alkidowym;
5) pomalowanie nawierzchniowe lakierem alkidowym.

The old coating had to be removed, because approx. 65% fell off. Because the old coating is made of alkyd varnish, it should be removed with a lye remover. The old coating is saponified (the saponification products are water-soluble), then you can scrape it off and rinse with water.

Due to later use, an appropriate coating will be made of alkyd resins. Because due to the risk to health, red lead cannot be used in indoor spaces, a lead-free anti-corrosion paint was chosen.

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