Aesthetics in the design of energy-efficient buildings

Solutions for energy-efficient buildings, and in particular for buildings with the Passive House standard, they say nothing about the aesthetic canons according to which such a building is to be built. The guidelines for energy efficiency affect the shape of the building, but slight on its finish.

Today we are witnessing another revolution in architecture, involving not only the introduction of revolutionary materials and technologies, but also introducing new guidelines into the design process, and therefore new restrictions. It is required of the design, that he would consciously treat the issues of building physics, energy saving issues, or the use of natural energy resources. Simulation processes play an increasingly important role in design, not only third dimension simulations, or simulation of static systems, but also simulating the internal environment of the building. The final design is today the resultant value between the architect's vision, and the requirements of physics, or rather the result of multidimensional studies, in which each of the solutions is supported by simulations, calculations, equations. The eternal order must be reversed! The aesthetics of contemporary architecture is the harmony of technology!

The aesthetics of contemporary architecture is the coexistence of space and technology. Thus, the architect has an increasingly difficult task: put together many different components, reconcile construction specialists at one table, installation, energy balance, building management; ecology specialists, economics and profitability, representatives of companies producing construction elements – with their limitations on mass production. The design process is beginning to resemble a management theory task rather than a subjective aesthetic task.

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